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The Queen Street Cruise Committee, with its community partners and sponsors have come together with an idea to bring Sault Ste. Marie’s Downtown back in time. The Committee invites you to join together for a weekend of fun and opportunity to renew friendships.


This event aims to bring people together, taking the time to contact friends from younger days when the action was on Queen Street at Muio’s, Suriano’s, The K of C, The Peppermint Lounge, The Boat Club, and of course, if all went well, The Submarine Races at Bellevue Park! 


Bring back the happy days, the glory days, and join us downtown on Queen Street in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario on Friday, June 20th and 21st, 2025.






Gary Trembinski Sr.



phone: 705-971-1787



Gary Trembinski Jr.

Treasurer/Web Manager


phone: 705-257-5432




Rick Niro

Community Liaison

phone: 705-949-7750




With the vision of a small group of individuals and the help of the citizens of Sault Ste. Marie and surrounding area, the Queen Street Cruise has grown from a dream into a reality!


The Queen Street Cruise will be held every year as the ‘kickoff to summer’ event for the City. Car enthusiasts from all over Canada and the United States are welcome to Cruise Queen Street and show off their cars in a place where time doesn’t exist!


The Cruise continues to be an extremely successful event and we only look forward to continuing to grow.


The Queen Street Cruise is possible because of local support and partnerships. Without our generous sponsors and volunteers, this community event could not take place.


The Queen Street Cruise Committee is grateful for the continued support of our local businesses and volunteers, and look forward to creating new partnerships to make this event bigger and better every year.


Each year, all profits from registration will be donated to a local charity, helping support our naturally gifted community. If you are interested in becoming a community partner, please visit our website at:

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